In recent years, we have been hearing more people in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) refer to the term "QABA®".
But what is QABA and what do they do?
The Qualified Applied Behavior Analysis Credentialing Board (QABA) is an internationally-accredited credentialing organization dedicated to empower professionals in the field of ABA to provide the highest standard of care to individuals with autism spectrum disorders and related disabilities. The QABA Credentialing Board® oversees three levels of certification:
The entry-level Applied Behavior Analysis Technician (ABAT®),
The supervisory-qualified Qualified Autism Services Practitioner (QASP-S®), and
The masters-level Qualified Behavior Analyst (QBA®).

Most ABA treatment programs involve a tiered service-delivery model in which the Behavior Analyst/QBA designs and supervises a treatment program, supported by Assistant Behavior Analysts/QASP-S and delivered by Behavior Technicians/ABAT.
Why would a tiered service-delivery model benefit my child and my family?
The use of tiered service-delivery model expands the availability of highly-qualified individuals with sufficient expertise in providing quality ABA-based treatment to clients and their families. In other words, you will have access to qualified Behavior Analysts that know how to write a program for your child according to current best practices, proven strategies and research-based methods. At the same time, working with a qualified team ensures your child is able to generalize skills across different people, yet are being supported towards common goals.
Lastly, the availability of a team of well-qualified and credentialled individuals is a mark of quality assurance from the service provider. One can expect consistency in the way they teach your child new skills or manage his behavior. The team would also regularly assess their performance so they can continue to do better.
Written by:
Beh Soo Leng (BCBA, MSc in ABA)
Program Supervisor
Edited by:
Raja Nishah